A practice supporter GP elderly care (POH-O) is a specialised care provider who supports elderly people within the GP practice. This professional particularly focuses on frail elderly people with multiple chronic conditions. Thanks to their expertise in care coordination and specialist knowledge, they improve the quality of care and contribute to a better quality of life for the elderly.
GPs face the challenge of properly managing care for the growing group of frail elderly people, including care in the last phase of life. It is important that older people think about this in good time. The GP and the POH-O can play an active and stimulating role through proactive care planning, also known as Advance Care Planning (ACP). After a referral from your GP to the POH-O, the POH-O can help you draw up care plans and advise you on care options and future needs.
In addition, you can contact the POH elderly care for:
The POH-O plays a key role in coordinating care around the elderly patient. This involves working with GPs, specialists, home care organisations and other care providers to develop and implement an integrated care plan. In addition, the POH is trained in early detection of health problems and, if necessary, can refer to other healthcare professionals such as geriatricians, physiotherapists or occupational therapists after consultation with the GP.