Huisartsenpraktijk Randwijck does not provide any of your medical data to third parties, unless it concerns (para)medical practitioners and the provision of information is obviously in your interest. No information is provided to non-medical practitioners (lawyers, employers etc), not even at your request. However, you can always request a print-out of (part of) your file and make it available to the persons you wish to inform about your medical situation. In connection with this, the GP practice also provides
No statements for the purpose of travel cancellations, missed exams, work absences,
gym and so on. This stems from a rule of conduct for doctors drawn up by the Royal Dutch Society for the Promotion of Medicine (Refusal Letter KNMG). If someone asks you for a statement from your GP, you can refer to this rule of conduct.
As a patient, you are entitled to understandable information about your health problems and possible treatments. We do our best to provide it. If there are things you do not understand, please let us know.
In principle, parents have the right to be informed about the health status of their child(ren) . This applies up to the age of 12. Children over the age of 12 must themselves consent to information being given to the parents. When parents are divorced and they both have legal custody of their child(ren), in principle they are both entitled to information on matters concerning their child(ren)'s health. GP Randwijck considers it the responsibility of the parent accompanying the child when visiting the practice to inform the other parent.
Huisartsenpraktijk Randwijck has taken the following measures to handle patient data as carefully as possible. All employees who process patient data or otherwise take cognisance of patient data are bound by confidentiality.
Patients have the right to inspect all data collected and processed about them. Because medical data are sometimes difficult for non-medical staff to understand, access to the medical file takes place preferably in the presence of your GP. He or she can then explain any ambiguities. If you wish, you can make a special appointment for this.
If the patient requires a copy of the data collected and processed about him or her after viewing the data, this can be provided by the practice. A fee of 15 euro cents per page is charged for this. Valid identification must be presented when collecting the copies.
The patient may request that the data collected and processed be supplemented and/or corrected to the extent that they are factually incomplete and/or incorrect.
You may request deletion or restricted use of the data collected and processed. We ask you to discuss this request with your GP.
Right to inspect or copy and requests for addition, correction, restricted use or
removal may be refused by the practice insofar as this is necessary to protect a significant interest of another person (including the protection of that person's privacy) and/or in case retention is required under a (legal) regulation.
Where the patient cannot represent himself or herself, the legal representative acts in his or her place. This applies in any case to children up to 12 years old. Children between 12 and 16 years old must themselves give permission for (one of) the parents to inspect the file. This is based on legal regulations.
When you register with another GP, you can collect your own records and those of your children up to 12 years old at the practice after making an appointment to do so. Files of adults and children older than 12 years can only be collected by another person if written permission has been given. This is based on legal regulations.
Note Bene: In exceptional situations, the above rules may be deviated from when deemed necessary to avoid possible harm to a patient or data subject.
The above information has been compiled nationwide by the LHV in accordance with the Privacy Act.